Monday, July 9, 2007

Rachelle's Status on July 9th

First I want to say that a whole lot more people read Rachelle's blog - which is how it should be. I figure that many more people read my post in her blog today than have ever read my blog. That is just as well, because hers is much more interesting for the bulk of people who read these blogs since it is from the perspective of the person actually going through the trauma. Well, I think I am still going to put posts here anyway and this one will update you on Rachelle's status today (July 9th). They actually took her off the Magnesium which was a relief. She started to feel a lot better and can actually walk now. I think the Magnesium sort of depresses you a little and she sounded much more upbeat today after coming off it. Anyway, the doctor is still aiming for 34 weeks which I personally think is good. The doctor is just being a good negotiator. He has to start high in order to come out with the best result. If she can actually make it to 34 weeks, it would be amazing. I actually think she can do it. I told her I thought she ought to get the Harry Potter book when it comes out and see if she can finish it before the babies come. Of course, if too many important characters die (like Harry) then it might prove to be more traumatic and could cause the babies to come early. My dad had a suggestion that we should name the babies: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and... I am not sure what the 5th one was. Maybe Minerva? Anyway, I don't know if Rachelle would like it so I won't bring it up. Still, if for some reason they were born on the 21st, those names would be appropriate.


Melanie S said...

Hey Jayson! I am checking BOTH of your blogs every day. I am fasting and praying hard this week and asking for miracles for your family! Bless you all!

lltanderson said...

hi, jayson! i, too, am keeping up on both your blogs.

thinking of all of you,