Sunday, July 15, 2007

Progress on July 15th

Rachelle is still feeling about the same. We are looking forward to Tuesday where we will reach the next magic milestone of 32 weeks. They have to monitor her almost continuously now because she is almost always borderline with her number of contractions.
Our house is looking great thanks to the help of Aunt Victoria and Aunt Linda who are organizational geniuses. I also have to point out that in my tired stupor of a few nights ago, I misspelled my aunt Victoria's name. It is actually "Victoria" and not "Victory". Like I mentioned in my last few posts, I can't believe the energy they have because they wear me out every night and then wake up about an hour before me every morning.

They came to church with me today and were really impressed with all the nice people in our congregation. They really are a great group of people that seem to be willing to bend over backwards for us.

Something that my aunt Linda asked me today was what it felt like to know that there are so many people praying for us out there. I have to say that it feels really good. I really like the fact that random people at work stop me to let me know that they are praying for me. I really believe that those prayers are a significant reason that we are doing as well as we are. Thanks everyone that is praying for us out there.

We are getting ready to send out a press release. The car dealerships considering a donation understandably want to see what the reaction of the press is before they really commit so I hope it is good. It seems like this would be fairly significant news but it might depend on whether there is more significant news that happens at the same time. A donation of a big van would be really really nice. However, if that doesn't pan out, then I am sure that something else will pan out for us.

Anyway, I think I am getting a cold or something which could be bad so hopefully I get over it before those babies are born because that would really make me sad to not be in the delivery room. If they really do push to 34 weeks, then I should have plenty of time.


TheRobRogers said...

Jayson, if you want, send me a copy of the press release and I'll give it a once-over. For what it's worth.

I'll also see if I've got any connections in Austin I can lean on.

Lynne said...


We'll be praying for you and your family. We had 29 week triplets that will be 2 in September. They are doing awesome as I'm sure your quints will.

Congratulate your wife for being such a trooper!

Keep the faith and sleep while you can :-) At this rate, your babies will come home soon after your wife.

Liz said...

I am from Australia and the mum of a healthy, charming and intelligent 2.5 year old boy who was born at 32 weeks weighing 3lbs 12 oz. I think Rachelle and her doctor have done an amazing job to get this far and to do everything she can for her bubs. They sound like a good weight and I hope they continue to thrive and grow. Thinking of you all.

Jennie W. said...

I actually read the name Victory and thought, "wow, what a cute and unusual name!" Not that Victoria is bad.:-) Maybe a possibility for one of the babies?