Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Forgot to mention the significance of the 24th of July

Yesterday was the 24th of July. In addition to marking 33 weeks of gestation for Rachelle, it is also a significant holiday that I forgot to mention. In Utah, the 24th of July is Pioneer Day celebrating the long and difficult journey made by so many people across the plains to Utah in the mid 1800s. Because both Rachelle and I have pioneer ancestors, I thought it deserved a mention. One of Rachelle's ancestors is a guy named Tunis Rappleye. Aside from having a first name that reminds me of the "chicken of the sea", Tunis was actually a really awesome guy and was in the "fourth 10" company of the original group that entered the Salt Lake Valley (Utah) on July 24, 1847. My own ancestor, Robert Taylor Burton, came in a little after Tunis and was one of the rescue party that endured incredible hardships to rescue the ill fated Martin and Willie Handcart companies.

Each of these men and their families left their comfortable homes and endured hardships that I have difficulty comprehending. I feel like I owe a debt to these ancestors that really paved the way for me. They endured all these hardships and risked (and sometimes gave) their lives to do what they thought was right. I have to admire that courage and that ability to stand for something so unselfishly. I am sure there were times when they grumbled but in the end, they made it and were glad for what they were able to overcome. I just hope Rachelle and I can live up to the legacy they have left us.

For more information on the history of Pioneer Day, see the following:

Speaking of pioneers, I also wanted to mention was that Rachelle is having another ultrasound today and we hope to find out the weights of the babies again. Although she probably isn't going to break the gestation record, she might actually break the record for baby weight. Check in tomorrow to find out what they are.

1 comment:

Mama M said...

I am also related to Tunis Rappleye. He is my paternal grandmother's grandfather. So, according to some rough calculations, and guessing that your wife is about the same generation as my children, your "sweet seven" and my six grand babies are about seventh cousins. Close enough for lots of love and concern. You are all in our prayers.