Tuesday, July 24, 2007

33 Weeks Today!

Today marks 33 weeks and that means only 7 more days to go. Rachelle's mom thought that since she is doing so well, we might want to just go ahead and go for the record but I doubt we will do that. As we have seen in the past, things can change in an instant so we want to be ready for the worst.

Rachelle has been saying that her skin feels a bit like it is stretching to the limit right now. That doesn't surprise me because I heard that during the 32nd and 33rd week, the babies gain about a half a pound each per week. I honestly don't know where they are going to find that half pound from because she really doesn't eat much. Her face and arms are getting really thin. She is a little sad, though, because her arms have lost a lot of muscle tone due to being on bed rest for the last four months. She is afraid that it will take her a long time to recover from the bed rest. There are some women who have to go on bed rest for each of their kids and I feel sorry for them.

She hasn't been able to type very much but she has been able to read a little of Harry Potter. She is at page 250 right now but it is a real struggle for her to get in a position that makes it easy to hold or prop up that heavy book. She used to be able to sit up but she has to lay on her side all the time now.

A funny comment we got in an email a little while ago was, "What is it like being a celebrity?" Fortunately, I still don't know what that is like because we really aren't celebrities. I think if this had happened 20 years ago or if we had stayed in Austin, we might have been a little more well known there. We will see what happens after the babies are born. I am still very glad we came to Phoenix for this even though our babies won't be true Texans (as someone recently pointed out to me). The comfort we feel knowing that we did the best we knew how is very good. As we mentioned in early blog entries, we knew that by coming to Phoenix, we were doing the very best we knew and would feel comfortable with whatever outcome happened. If we had not come here and something had gone wrong, we would always regret not coming here because we would say to ourselves, "If only...". I have had enough "if only I would have (fill in the blank)" moments that I really didn't want another one. Now, we are at 33 weeks, well beyond the national average gestation for quintuplets, and things are going as well as we could have hoped. Just one more week to go and then the real fun will began.


Meridith said...

Don't ever let anyone say your kids aren't true Texans! As I am sure you know by now, being Texan is so much more than a birth location...it is a state of mind. Like your kids, I was born out of state, but I will always consider myself a Texan (even now that I have been in Phoenix for 7 years!) because that is where I grew up and that is home.

Congrats on 33 weeks!

Unknown said...

I think you are more famous than you know! I took Stat in Rachelle's class during the fall semester, and I read both of your blogs weekly if not more often, and have recruited several friends and family members that also keep up with you guys, and I bet I'm no the only student from our class that reads regularly!

Grandma Joney said...

Rachelle and Jason: Don't listen to the nay sayers. You chose the right, not the easy!!

This is such an incredible journey . . .that you would share it with those of us 'outside' is such a blessing! Your children -- those already here and those waiting to arrive -- will have such an incredible history to pass on to their children! Talk about pioneers! You are pushing your version of a handcart without a doubt!

The emotions you've been dealing with these past few weeks are intense, but as you'll recall from the births of your children, the pain, the frustration, etc all fade away. Be strong, be well, be safe . . .you are being watched over by your Heavenly Father; so many folks are praying for you. All the best ~ Joney

lltanderson said...

you guys are just plain amazing. i often go back and read your earlier entries just to wrap my mind around what you've gone through and how you've made your decisions and how you get through each day. your attitude and faith are amazing. i am in awe of your approach to and attitude throughout. no doubt it's been very hard have your family separated, but i'm sure that there's also no doubt that this was the absolute best decision for all of you.