Friday, November 7, 2008

Fireproof Movie

Tonight Rachelle and I had a great opportunity to get a night out (thanks to my mother-in-law and a few friends) so we went to go see a movie called "Fireproof". I really thought it was a great movie with a really good message. It was about a firefighter named Caleb (played by Kirk Cameron) and his wife who have issues in their marriage. Caleb is about to give up when his dad gives him a book called "The Love Dare" and challenges him to follow the instructions in the book every day for 40 days. Anyway, it was a good, clean movie with a good religious message that nearly every married couple could use. It was low budget but when you have a good story, that can usually carry the movie even when the acting isn't perfect.

Anyway, I just thought I would put a plug in for that because we need more movies like that. I have read statistics (can't remember where I read it so I might just be making it up) that claim that couples who have multiples are much more likely to get divorced. I really can't imagine that happening but I know that to avoid that kind of thing I need to work at it. We need the help of God in our marriages and we need to recognize our own weaknesses. Anyway, it was a good movie. Also, if you have seen that movie and liked it, then you might also like a recent book I read called "The Peacegiver" which pretty much has a very similar plot and message at the end. I recommend both of them because I think both have helped me be a better husband and father which would really come in handy right now.


Anonymous said...

We will have to see this movie. I remeber seeing something about it when they were making it an talking about the "goodness" nature of it. When we found out about having our quints the doc commented on the marriage thing and breaking up. I knew we could handle it but it is a concern. There are two sets of quints 45 min away from un that we know. They both have had divorces. One set is the same age as ours (5years old) and the divorced somewhere between age 3-4. It's crazy. I think we have additional benefits with our beliefs and the knowledge of the blessing we get from an eternal marriage. Course, I could never imagine not going through all of this without my husband he is my biggest help and supporter. I would really be in trouble if he was not around course that's when he is able to be around, HA! Still in school full time and work full time. One day life will calm down a bit. HA! HA! Thanks for your insight on the movie we will have to make appoint to see it now. Have a great day!

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