Thursday, August 2, 2007

Update for August 2 and a really long post about my thoughts

Well, Rachelle is improving and they took her off the magnesium this morning. She also got to move up to her old room which means that they thought she was well enough. The doctor actually thinks she will be able to leave on Saturday or Sunday.

The babies are doing well still. Rustin is still having some breathing issues but they are working through them and I am sure he will be OK in a few days. They moved Kassidy closer to the others which is nice because I don't want her to feel left out. The hospital here and the NICU are both awesome. They have really been great. A lot of people have been really great and have offered all kinds of support. It is overwhelming for me. Today, my old BYU roommate, Chris Thompson, and his wife Kathleen sent me a package that had a very generous gift in it. I really have a hard time knowing how to respond to such generosity except to say thank you from the depths of my heart.

I want to mention how grateful I am for all of the service that people have given us. I have always been a very independent person and very proud that I have been able to make it on my own. Rachelle and I are very similar in that regard. After we got married, which was just before she started on her Master's degree and just before my Junior year of college, we were completely on our own financially. We are very frugal and managed to even save a bit of money and avoid debt while finishing our degrees. We have even managed to avoid debt (except for the house mortgage of which we have paid off a significant percentage). I say this, not to brag, but to help you understand how much of an adjustment it has been for us to realize that we will need help in our situation. Early on in the pregnancy, I had the distinct impression (which I firmly believe came from God) that one of the purposes of our pregnancy was to give other people the opportunity to serve and receive the blessings one gets from serving others.

A number of years ago, I discovered one of the secrets to true and lasting happiness. It is service to others. In serving others, we forget ourselves. We forget our own problems or recognize those problems in different ways that make them seem less formidable. I firmly believe that it is only through serving others (including our own family members) that we can really find true happiness. Rachelle and I are in an unfortunate position where we can't do much to serve others right now (except for our own children). Some people may think that doesn't sound so bad but it has been difficult for us. One of my fears is that I will get used to it or that I will come to just expect it. I honestly hope this doesn't happen because it is difficult to find happiness when you are frustrated because other people are not always doing your bidding. I think that is the trap that movie stars (especially those that were famous as children) often run into. The impression I received early on about this pregnancy being an opportunity for others helped me to be less fearful of accepting help. I pray often that the Lord will bless those that have given us service like Rachelle's aunt who has Multiple Sclerosis, Natalie Woods who has a big family and a house of her own to deal with, Chris and Kathleen Thompson who have just recently had their own new baby, and many many others, even strangers, who I don't have room enough to list.

One of the other things I want to say is that had we chosen to reduce to twins, I know that we would have regretted that decision for the rest of our lives. We had a very difficult choice early on. We could have chosen to reduce to twins and have a much more normal pregnancy or put everything we had into getting all 5 babies here safely. We obviously chose the latter and we knew that it would forever change the course of our lives. I am not suggesting that everybody who reduces should forever feel guilty about it. In many cases, reduction is necessary to save either the mothers life or the lives of some of the other babies. I really empathize with all of the people that are faced with that decision because it is a very serious one with real consequences. We made that decision knowing that the probability of a good outcome was not very high and we have been incredibly blessed by the results.

Rachelle and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary on August 14th and it will not be what we had imagined on our wedding day 10 years ago. All of the plans we made over the years have now completely changed. Very early on, however, I came to realize that God's hand is in this and our new path will be even better than what we had originally planned. Just looking at the faces of those wonderful babies tells me that. I don't know exactly what kind of things we are going to be able to offer these children but I do know that they are going to grow up in a household with a Mom and Dad that love them very much and will do everything in our power to give them what they need (but not necessarily what they want:).

I don't know why God has sent us these beautiful babies and helped us out so much while so many other good people with high order multiples are not given these same blessings. I credit the medical staff at the hospital for their diligence and concern but I still feel like it was a miracle that things have turned out like that have. I feel like these babies must have been sent to us for some important purpose and I am excited to spend the rest of my life discovering that purpose.


thekla said...

I went on a site last night and found one that had such negative comments on the wisdom of the masche keeping all 6 babies, that I am digust by the empathy shown by these people.You made the right choice in keeping all 5 .Look at how beautiful and healthy they are.God gave tham all to you and to reduce would, to my mind have been a crime.You guys are also going to get some of the negative stuff but don`t pay the comments any mind space.Receiving charity from people does make one feel low but that is a pride issue.One has to be careful not to rely on man but God to supply all your needs.I believe all the people that have blessed you so far have all been lead by God to do it.Often God has laid something on our hearts ie to give someone an amount of money, then to find out afterwards what we gave was exactly what the people had been trusting God for.Just trust in God ,He will supply your needs and He knows all your hearts desires.The nice thing that your family has done is to blog and share your experience with the world.Like most people I couldn`t wait to see the little ones.To see them so big and healthy was a blessing enough for me.We will continue to pray for your family.

Grandma Joney said...

You can please some of the people all of the time . . . .
Your post was beautiful, and reinforces the concept of agency. You guys made the decision that was right for you -- and your family. Others in a similar situation may make a different decision, and that is their choice. These new little ones, along with your other kids are so blessed to be in a family where they are loved and wanted. Having parents that WANT to be parents seems to be more rare every day. The hard work that goes into shaping the lives, values and well being of children is often discounted. You guys have your work cut out for you -- but I know you're up to the task. As you've seen, you'll have others willing to serve and help with the task. Thanks for giving so many of us the opportunity to be uplifted by this blog; to have the chance to contribute in ways small and large. I hope you can continue to keep us updated as you're truly inspiring. All the best ~ Joney

Kernal Ken said...

One of my favorite sayings "If you want to make God laugh tell him YOUR plan. We have great respect for your decision to bring all five into this world and know it was not an easy choice. We also feel that it was GOD's plan and we are so proud that both of you were willing to accept it.

We know both you and Rachelle and we know you've found it difficult to accept so much support and help. You've both worked very hard to take care of your own financial needs and family and have done so very well. We are very grateful to all those who now are so willing give of whatever they can to help you at this time. For now ,let those who love you and those who are willing to help you, reap the joy and blessings that will surely come to them by their service. You will have many opportunities to serve others in the future. When that time comes you will do it more willingly, with more empathy and with more gratitude than you have in the past.In a world that seems more and more self centered we need opportunities that remind us that we are here to help and love each other through this earth life.

Thanks to both you and Rachelle for sharing this incredible Quint journey with the rest of us. It has touched all our lives and for the majority of us in a very positive way. We love you.

Cassaundra said...

I am sobbing! BEAUTIFULLY said and written! You have it figured out. It is because of your diligence and faithfulness and devotion you are So richly BLESSED. You have a very special, sweet family! I am happy to serve your family in whatever capacity that works for all of us. I know you have a community of loved ones and friends that look forward to serving you, especially because of your attitude. I know what it was like to serve my friend that had triplets 18 months after a single birth. There is unmeasured joy in helping a family like yours. Just keep in mind, your main role right now is to meet and make sure Rachelle's needs are being met so she can be restored to full health as quickly as possible. I have felt in my heart you guys made the right decision and I would fully support you. You and Rachelle just found out how to push beyond you limits. You will continue to do great things for others, but right now this is a season to let others help you and bless you. If all one does is give and not except receiving, it limits the blessing. Remember to get your rest and make sure to share with each other what you are feeling. You guys are awesome and I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Now, what are the rest of the head/length measurements of those adorable babies? This is all so exciting!

lltanderson said...

what a beautiful post, jayson.

i come from such a different perspective than you and rachelle in regards to faith. i have none. i'm not "religious". i'm not even sure i believe in god though, events in my own life over the past 3 years and events like what's happened in your life are changing my heart. but, man, your experience and your attitude toward it, and your humilty t/o speak VOLUMES about how humans should be. i am guessing you won't do it, but you should be very proud about the way you and your family have handled this unique situation from start to finish. i could never wrap my mind around SR for my own reasons, and i think you guys were so, so right to keep all five babies. i am not sure this is going to come out right, but when i read in your beginning posts about how you and rachelle thought, and prayed, and talked to your leader about handling the decision to keep all 5, i was touched and humbled. sometimes, people like me who don't have faith are intimidated by people like you and rachelle b/c we think you always have all the right answers (it looks that way from the outside sometimes). knowing that you had to make this decision like anyone else (and weren't just dictated to by your faith) really got me. i'm rambling and not explaining myself well. i don't know much about the mormon church or its stance on witnessing and leading others to the same faith. but, your attitude, manner...everything about your family is a HUGE witness and a wonderful example to others.

i think you are right, god chose your family for a reason. you and rachelle will be wonderful parents and leaders for your 7 children. from my perspective, i'm thinking god chose you guys to be the quints parents just so that there could be 7 more people on earth who handle their lives and approach challengs the same way you and rachelle do.

The Dragonfly said...

Your decision to keep these five babies and bring them into the world was obviously made with direct guidance from the Spirit. We are in awe of your ability to not only completely understand the reasons for this course of events in your life, but also in your willingness to let others be a part of the journey by serving you. It would be an understatement for me to say that your experience has brought joy to my entire family - it has given them an opportunity to put their prayers into action, to excercise a larger amount of faith, and to have a purpose in finding ways to serve you and make your load a little lighter. It has brought my family closer together to see yours grow by the sweet number of five. For that, I thank you, Rachelle and the five "sweet potatoes" (named by Christopher).

Carrie said...

I've never commented before, but been reading for a while. First I just want to say congratulations on your gorgeous children...what a blessing! Also, your post was so really reminded me of some things I need to focus on in my own life. Just because you might not have all the time on you hands anymore that you used to, you are still serving just by the little things you do like share these inspiring thoughts. All the best to you and your family...continued prayers from Memphis Tennessee!

Everyone Has a Story... said...

Congratulations on finding out "The Secret" of a good life a long time ago!

Your children are so lucky to have you as their father. God chose YOU to guide them in this world.

Thank you for the lovely post. I wish all fathers thought the same as you do! You are blessed and will continue to be so.

My family's thoughts and prayers are with your family as you find your way.



Anonymous said...

First I just want to say Thank you! That was exactly what I needed to hear this morning.

I know I don't know you and Rachelle very well, but I know your family and I love them all. The more of your family I meet, the more I love.

When at times l have a hard time seeing past my own trials, you have given me 5 little reasons to keep on loving and hoping. I had a miscarriage in June and frankly wanted nothing to do with anybody who was pregnant. There was something about the blogs you and Rachelle posted that just gave me a light at the end of the tunnel. You gave me hope. I truly believe that watching you go through this pregnancy, especially the end, has really given me strength. I am crying!!! SO, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Vivi Peterka said...

Beautiful post! Great comments!!!

The day that I went tou your house to deliver the diapers and the soap, i felt so much love inside that it is impossible to explain in words...We are not close friends but I don't have a doubt in my mind that the babies came to the right home!!!!
It is amazing how many people have been touched by this journey and whoever wants to help is doing it with an open heart!!!
It feels great to help a wonderful cause like this!!!! and you might not think that, but you and your family are helping us being a better person!!!

cath said...

Beautifully said XXXX

Your babies are a true miracle !!!

Mama M said...

Jayson--Thank you for sharing such sweet and personal feelings in this somewhat impersonal and public forum. Like so many others, my husband, children and I have been uplifted and strengthened by reading about your family. A few years ago we went through a painful and lengthy trial as a family. We were overwhelmed by the outpouring of service and generosity which came to us. It was humbling, and even at times, a little humiliating, to have to accept so much help. We were able to come to appreciate the value of the principle of "pay it forward." Since most of what we received was given to us anonymously, we had no possibility of ever paying it back, but we came to appreciate that, just as we were then receiving help from people we could not thank, so somewhere down the road we would be in the position to help others. If you begin each day with a prayer to find opportunities to do good for others, miracles happen! You will (as you already are) find yourself more deeply grateful, more genuinely engaged, more richly blessed, and more joyously hopeful than you can even imagine. You and your dear family are tasting of the Goodness of God, truly the fruit that it sweet above all that is sweet. Continue to be a light to others. The world needs that.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful and exciting adventure for your family. I know you made the right decision keeping those 5 sweethearts. The Lord is blessing you all with many things. Yes, we go through things for others to have the opportunity to serve. We just all need to remember take the time to serve others.

holmesfamily8 said...

You have such a wonderful way with words! I am so touched, along with many others who read your blog. I am sure one of the many reasons your family was blessed by those 5 sweet spirits was for a way to touch others with the Gospel light. I hope those little ones are out of the NICU asap and home together.

Jennie said...

what an amazing story! thank you so much for sharing!

your children are beautiful! all of them!

it is cool that you are from colorado, me too! what part are you from?

thanks again!

Lucy Stern said...

Jayson, you are serving others, you just don't know it...Your mission continues...You and Rachelle will be a beacon of light for others to see. Stay close to your Heavenly Father and he will guide you as to what to do....I hope they get to come home soon. Good luck!