He didn't seem to happy about the whole thing but I think he will be OK once she gets here.
Something else I wanted to give an update on are some of the super generous donations we have received. The company I work for, National Instruments (www.ni.com), suggested a very generous donation recently. They offered to pay for our plane tickets home but also (now this is the big one) offered to buy us a new 12 passenger van! Wow! Grand Canyon University (www.cgu.edu) had also offered to donate one of their used 12 passenger vans on almost the same day! The details are not all ironed out yet but we are opting to go with the new one but it was generous of both places to even offer at all.
We received another generous donation that came in part due to my uncle Ken's brother Gunnar. Gunnar is a retired Army colonel and West Point graduate who also happens to be the Grand Chaplain for the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Mexico. When my uncle Ken mentioned us to him, Gunnar asked if he could help. After some discussion, the Dona Ana Daylight Lodge #78, Ancient and Accepted Free Masons voted to give a very generous donation to us.
It is really wonderful and humbling to be the recipient of so much generosity. There are groups of people that have never even met us that are doing all kinds of stuff to help us out and it is absolutely amazing to see. I am amazed and grateful for all of it and feel, more than ever, that we are going to be able to do this.
wow! that is awesome!
ryder is WAAAAAYYYYYY too cute!
hoping kaydence comes home soon!
May Blessings continue to pour down upon all of you! Gratitude goes a long way! What a precious baby that Ryder is! I am sure they ALL are adorable!!!
Seriously Jays, that picture rules.
And with a name like Gunnar, of course he's a retired Army colonel and West Point graduate.
Who would have guessed that the little ones would come home first!
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